Disappearing islands and Global Warming - Tuvalu Pavilion
A tree growing on the Grand canal - Azerbijan Pavilion
The photographs of Chile's Paz Errazuriz
Italia Pavilion
The Pavilion of…….The vatican
The huge new Turkish Pavilion
Italia Pavilion
Tuvalu Pavilion
Inside the Corderie on the Arsenale
People even take Selfies at the Biennale
Jenny Holzer at Museo Correr
Holland's Pavilion dedicated to the Venice lagoon
Interior of Palazzo Grimani hosting Frontiers Reimagined
New Zealand Pavilion
The Marciana Library hosting New Zealand Pavilion
Serbia's moving Nations Ununited
Azerbijan penguins
Art and MiniGolf by Doug Fishbone on San Pietro in Castello - brilliant!
Mini Golf
Mon Dieu - the French Pavilion has extended out and is blocking the view of the British Pavilion - Entente Uncordiale